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LiveChat APIs

Browse through the extensive library of APIs brought to you by Text.

Messaging APIs

Messaging APIs are designed to build integrations that operate on the chatting functionality using our messaging protocol.

Utility APIs

Monetization APIs

Messaging APIs

Messaging APIs are designed to build integrations that operate on the chatting functionality using our messaging protocol.

Agent Chat API

The Agent Chat API lets you send messages to the chat as an agent and a bot agent. This allows for various automations, custom bot configuration, and much more. This API is available through both Web and RTM API.

Use cases:
  • Send messages as an agent
  • Create and edit customers
  • Get chat and thread information
  • Perform chat management
  • Receive and react to webhooks
  • Manage chat properties
See Agent Chat API

Customer Chat API

The Customer Chat API lies at the core of customer messaging and allows you to send messages as a customer. This lets you, for example, build integrations with external messaging services. Available through both Web and RTM API.

Use cases:
  • Send messages as a customer
  • Update customer profiles
  • Get chat and thread information
  • Manage chat properties
  • Receive and react to webhooks
See Customer Chat API

Utility APIs

These APIs allow you to access a variety of data and configuration options — from license information and management to Chat Widget behavior customization.

Configuration API

The Configuration API serves the purpose of license management. You can configure properties and webhooks, and complete license configuration actions.

See Configuration API

Chat Widget JS API

The Chat Widget JS API is an API for basic Chat Widget behavior adjustments. You can interact with the Chat Widget embedded on your website and customize its behavior.

See Chat Widget JS API

Reports API

The Reports API lets you access and extract the reports data available on your LiveChat license with advanced parameters and filters.

See Reports API

Monetization APIs

Monetization APIs cover various billing-related purposes and monetization management tools.

Billing API

The Billing API enables you to charge for your apps in all of the available Text Marketplaces, offering your paid applications to a customer base of over 39,000 users.

See Billing API

Partner Program API

The LiveChat Partner Program API enables you to create tools for more effective management of your data from the Partner Program.

See Chat Widget JS API

LiveChat SDKs

LiveChat offers a variety of Software Development Kits for various development purposes, providing valuable tools for different needs of developers.

Messaging SDKs

LiveChat Messaging SDKs cover the use cases of building apps with our APIs in different programming languages.

Chat SDK

Chat SDK was designed to help developers build messaging apps in a quick and easy way. It makes use of LiveChat Messaging APIs in a simpler and more accessible way.

See Chat SDK


With JS SDK you can utilize the Agent Chat, Customer Chat, and Configuration APIs in a simple way through the SDK’s Typescript code

See Js SDK


This Go SDK functions as a tool to construct external backend apps, expanding LiveChat feature set.

See Go SDK

Python SDK

This SDK, written in Python3, helps developers build external backend apps that extend LiveChat features.

See Python SDK

Chat Widget

Customer SDK

The LiveChat Customer SDK enables you to create an entirely custom chat widget without the need for backend development. Under the hood, it utilizes the LiveChat Customer Chat API.

See Customer SDK


Accounts SDK

Accounts SDK is the most popular and efficient flow to get access to the LiveChat and HelpDesk authorization protocols.

See Accounts SDK

Products SDK

Extend the interface of your applications with Products SDK. It includes the libraries for our two products, LiveChat and HelpDesk.

Agent App SDK

Agent App Widgets are web applications loaded inside the LiveChat Agent App user interface. Agent App SDK is currently the primary way to develop your own widgets.

See Agent App SDK

HelpDesk SDK

App Widgets are web applications loaded inside the HelpDesk App. They live in iframes and can interact and communicate with the HelpDesk App.

See HelpDesk SDK

Powerful Text| APIs

Unlock the potential of seamless communication through our suite of intuitive APIs.


Messaging API

Implement event-based messaging for sync and async communication

use cases

live chat apps, chatbots, in-app messaging

Text clustering

Group documents and text fragments by their similarities

use cases

live chat apps, chatbots, in-app messaging

Sentiment analysis

Look for emotions and sentiments in text and messages

use cases

mood detectors, tone adjustment apps

Text analytics

Analyse text and phrases for relationships

use cases

advanced reporting, custom dashboards

Omnichannel APIs

Funnel all the channels into a single messaging experience

use cases

all-in-one communication, messaging super-apps

Text classification

Group documents and text fragments by their similarities

use cases

live chat apps, chatbots, in-app messaging

See other Platform

API Console

Access reports and information about your API usage and manage your billings.

Coming soon

Developer Console

Create and build both private and public apps in the advanced Developer Console interface.

Learn more

Platform Docs

Read detailed information about all of our available APIs and their methods.

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API stands for Application Programming Interface. It serves as a set of protocols, routines, and tools that allow different software applications to communicate with each other. An API specifies how software components should interact, which includes the rules and data formats necessary for this interaction.

An API is a bridge that enables different software applications to communicate and interact. It defines the methods and data formats that applications can use to request and exchange information. APIs can come in various forms, such as REST APIs, Web APIs, and more, and they serve as a key component for connecting, extending, and enhancing various software functionality.

A REST API (Representational State Transfer API) is a type of web API that adheres to the principles of REST architectural style. REST APIs are designed to be lightweight and scalable, making them ideal for web-based communication. They use standard HTTP methods (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE) to interact with resources (data) in a stateless manner. RESTful APIs often return data in JSON or XML format and are commonly used for building web and mobile applications that require data retrieval and manipulation.

A Web API is a type of API designed for web-based communication. Web APIs typically follow standard protocols and data formats, such as HTTP or REST, making it easier for developers to integrate external services or data sources into their own apps. Examples of Web APIs include social media APIs or weather APIs. Developers often need to obtain an API key to access these APIs, and their usage is documented in the provided API documentation. Web APIs commonly return data in formats such as JSON or XML.

An RTM API (Real-Time Messaging API) is a type of API focused on real-time communication and data exchange. RTM APIs are commonly used in messaging or collaboration platforms to facilitate instant updates, notifications, and real-time interactions. These APIs are crucial for chat applications to ensure that messages and data are delivered in real time. Given the sensitive nature of real-time communication, various API security measures and an authentication API are often utilized to make sure that only authorized users can access and send data through RTM APIs.

Web API and RTM API serve distinct purposes and have different characteristics. Web API generally refers to APIs accessible over the internet. They provide a structured way to interact with web-based services and retrieve data. Web APIs are typically designed for use by external developers and often require an API key for access, and their API documentation outlines how to use them. RTM APIs are specialized interfaces that enable real-time communication and data exchange, often used in messaging or collaboration platforms. They facilitate instant updates and notifications, supporting applications and systems where real-time interactions are crucial. These APIs often involve more advanced API security than in the case of Web APIs, and involve authentication APIs to ensure secure and authorized communication.